Preparing for retirement with a pre-retirement checklist is a wise step, much like packing thoroughly for a long journey to avoid missing essentials. I’m personally revisiting retirement planning, which prompted this article.

Retiring after years of dedicated work can be daunting. It’s easier to talk about retirement while still employed than to actually step into it. This hesitation often stems from fear, especially noticeable among retirement researchers who are reluctant to retire despite their theoretical readiness.

Retiring during a pandemic adds another layer of complexity. With restrictions leading to prolonged home stays, the charm of a relaxed retirement can quickly wear thin. The lack of social interaction and limited activities can deepen feelings of dissatisfaction and impact mental health significantly.

The importance of having a pre-retirement checklist becomes clear as the world begins to reopen. This list can help navigate major life changes more smoothly, whether it’s transitioning careers, taking a well-deserved break, or stepping into full retirement. A checklist helps manage regrets and enhances overall happiness by providing a clear plan to address potential concerns and missed opportunities.

For me, the pandemic meant putting retirement plans on hold and “returning to work” due to new family commitments and global uncertainty. I increased my work hours significantly, updating content and expanding my online presence. Initially rewarding, this work eventually led to frustration and burnout, exacerbated by the global crisis and social tensions.

My urge to re-retire has led me to devise a comprehensive checklist to ensure I don’t repeat past mistakes or overlook key considerations this time around. Here are some crucial steps from my checklist:

1. Asset Allocation Adjustment: Realizing most of my net worth was tied up in high-risk assets prompted a significant rebalancing. Reducing exposure to equities and increasing safer investments will better align with my retirement goals.

2. Complete Pending Professional Desires: I’m using my remaining working days to fulfill any unmet career aspirations, such as proposing new projects or exploring roles that were previously on my wish list.

3. Secure Passive Income: Ensuring a stable passive income stream is vital. It’s crucial to test living on this income before fully retiring to adjust to the financial shift and confirm it can comfortably cover living expenses.

4. Set a Specific Retirement Date: Having a concrete retirement date helps in mentally preparing and appreciating the remaining time in the workforce, similar to the relief and excitement of pre-graduation days.

5. Plan Post-Retirement Activities: Clearly outline how to spend time after retirement. Without a solid plan, it’s easy to feel lost or become disillusioned with the new lifestyle.

6. Health and Insurance Considerations: Address health insurance changes and ensure any necessary medical or life insurance adjustments are handled before leaving a job.

7. Relationship Alignment: Discuss and synchronize retirement plans with your partner to ensure mutual happiness and understanding of each other’s expectations in retirement.

8. Embrace and Plan for Financial Changes: Understand the implications of reduced income on lifestyle and manage debts or financial obligations accordingly.

This approach not only prepares you practically but also mentally and emotionally for retirement. It’s about making informed decisions that lead to a fulfilling and regret-free retirement life.