When you’re on the hunt for a new home, there’s one crucial thing you might not have thought about, but definitely should: How close is the nearest healthcare facility? Whether it’s a hospital, urgent care, or emergency room, being near medical help is a major plus.

I recently had a rough time with a severe sore throat—so bad, I could barely breathe or sleep. I needed to see a doctor, but guess what? My regular doctor was off until the next day. Why on earth do doctors take Wednesdays off? Turns out it might be a strategy to push their pricey annual services. Instead, I found an urgent care just eight blocks away. They saw me immediately, my copay was reasonable, and thankfully, it wasn’t strep but a viral infection, which usually clears up on its own in a week or so.

The urgent care was super convenient, open daily with flexible hours, and staffed by certified emergency physicians. Knowing that kind of healthcare support is nearby made me feel more secure and, oddly enough, a bit richer as a homeowner.

As I get older—hello, 40s around the corner!—I’m more aware of my health. I used to skip doctor visits, thinking a bit of rest and hydration was all I needed. But now, I value professional advice and catch health issues early. A $25 copay is a small price for peace of mind, especially when a typical doctor’s visit could cost hundreds.

The importance of quick access to healthcare becomes starkly clear in emergencies. Imagine having a heart attack and not being able to reach a hospital quickly. Every minute counts, and I wouldn’t buy a house if the nearest medical facility was more than a 15-minute drive away. Even when I bought my last home in my late twenties, I didn’t think about healthcare proximity, but now, it’s a priority.

Proximity to healthcare not only provides peace of mind but also adds value to property investments. As we all get older, and maybe have aging parents or young kids, the value of being close to medical services only goes up. I’d even consider paying a premium for a home close to multiple health centers to ensure quick care in emergencies.

In summary, don’t just check out the usual amenities like parks or restaurants when you’re house hunting. Take a good look at the healthcare facilities around. It’s not just a practical move; it’s an investment in your future well-being.