In a bull market, it seems like everyone becomes a financial expert. For instance, I sold most of my Tesla shares at $888 each and luckily kept some, which saved me from feeling foolish later. Similarly, over at the popular blog “Get Rich Slowly,” JD, the site owner, shared his success with recent stock market investments. He wasn’t boasting but simply sharing a success story. With 68,000 followers, his influence is notable.

What really stands out is the reaction to his post. With over 125 comments on that day alone, it’s evident his readers are actively engaging. Interestingly, a majority claim to have significantly outperformed the S&P 500, which contrasts sharply with data showing that only 6% of fund managers have beaten the S&P 500 over the past five years. This discrepancy raises several questions:

1. Are only those who’ve made profitable investments commenting?

2. Considering their success, should these readers start a hedge fund?

3. Is there a possibility that people are exaggerating their successes and downplaying losses?

4. Is everyone really as savvy as they claim?

It’s likely the truth is a mix of all these points. Often, people overestimate their investment skills, especially during good times, attributing gains to their own actions and blaming losses on external factors.

Turning to the broader economy, I remain cautious about the current recovery but am enjoying the benefits like everyone else. When individuals feel financially secure, they’re more likely to spend, which in turn boosts corporate profits and employment. This is a cycle that benefits all.

“Get Rich Slowly” serves as a microcosm of the broader American experience. If the majority of this community is thriving financially, it’s likely that a significant portion of Americans with internet access are also seeing financial recovery. It’s an interesting time, and survival—staying invested and engaged—seems to be the key to eventual success. Whether it’s keeping a job or staying invested in the market, persistence pays off.

For those looking to keep a close eye on their finances, I recommend using Personal Capital. This free service helps you manage all your financial accounts in one place, track your net worth, and ensure you’re on the path to retirement. Having used it since 2012, I’ve found it invaluable for keeping track of my finances and improving my financial situation.

As we look to the future, tracking your financial growth has never been more critical. We’ve enjoyed a lengthy bull run, but as the market cycles, being proactive in managing your finances will help safeguard and grow your wealth.