Deciding whether to get life insurance is a personal choice that should be made based on what’s best for you and your family. To ensure you’re making an informed decision, let’s clear up some common misconceptions about life insurance.

Many people, including myself, find great value in life insurance, especially if you have dependents or debts. My wife and I secured affordable 20-year term policies during the pandemic, which has given us peace of mind knowing our young children are financially protected.

If you’re young, healthy, and without dependents, you might think you don’t need life insurance. However, life is unpredictable—your circumstances can change rapidly due to marriage, children, or health issues.

Here are some prevalent myths about life insurance that need debunking:

Myth #1: Employer-Provided Life Insurance Is Enough

Many employers offer life insurance as part of their benefits package, but the coverage is often insufficient for people with dependents or significant debts. Moreover, this type of insurance usually ends if you leave the job, leaving you unprotected during periods of unemployment.

Myth #2: Life Insurance Should Only Be Double Your Salary

The rule of thumb that your life insurance should be double your annual salary doesn’t consider individual needs and responsibilities. A more accurate method is to perform a cash flow analysis that includes your debts, future large purchases, and potential end-of-life costs, like medical bills and funeral expenses.

Myth #3: Life Insurance Is Complicated to Buy

Thanks to the internet and platforms like Policygenius, purchasing life insurance is simpler than ever. You can compare quotes easily online, ensuring you find the best deal for straightforward products like term life insurance.

Myth #4: You’re Stuck With Your Life Insurance Policy

Life insurance is more flexible than many think. It’s possible to cancel your policy, switch providers, or adjust your coverage as your needs change. You’re not locked in forever.

Myth #5: Life Insurance Is Too Expensive

Life insurance can be surprisingly affordable. For example, the average 30-year-old can secure significant coverage for less than the cost of daily coffee. Comparing quotes can save you even more.

Myth #6: Young People Don’t Need Life Insurance

While you may not need it immediately, getting life insurance young can lock in lower rates. Each year you age can increase your premiums, so early coverage can be cost-effective long-term.

Myth #7: Pre-Existing Conditions Prevent Coverage

Having a chronic condition doesn’t necessarily exclude you from life insurance. While premiums may be higher, many insurers offer policies tailored to people with health issues, provided they manage their condition well.

Myth #8: Pregnant Women Can’t Get Life Insurance

Pregnancy isn’t a barrier to obtaining life insurance. In fact, with a new child on the way, securing coverage is a wise step. Insurers often consider pre-pregnancy weights and general health before pregnancy in their assessments.

Myth #9: Non-Working Spouses Don’t Need Life Insurance

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, life insurance is still crucial. Replacing the value of the countless unpaid tasks you perform is expensive, and life insurance provides financial security for these eventualities.

Myth #10: Life Insurance Payouts Are Taxable

Most life insurance benefits are tax-free. Your beneficiaries can use the payout from a term life insurance policy without worrying about a tax bill.

Don’t Make My Mistake

I waited too long to properly shop around for life insurance, sticking with a provider out of convenience rather than comparing prices. Only when I checked Policygenius did I realize I could double my coverage for less, saving significantly.

Life insurance isn’t just a financial decision; it’s about peace of mind for the future. Whether you’re securing a policy for the first time or reassessing your current coverage, it’s wise to stay informed and debunk myths that could lead to costly mistakes.