If you want to grow stronger, remember to stay humble. Taking a moment each year to recognize that you still have plenty to learn keeps you grounded, especially when you experience success. The more humble you stay, the less likely you are to take your accomplishments for granted, pushing you to strive even harder.

Let’s talk about staying humble. I decided to simplify my LinkedIn profile, removing all my previous high-status job titles and instead listed myself as an Assistant Varsity Tennis Coach. Despite the playful jabs from a friend about my role, this act was really about keeping my ego in check—especially after feeling overly confident from recent successes. This move has reminded me to question my decisions, avoid risky investments at market peaks, and recognize the role of luck in success.

Keeping a low profile has been beneficial. It helps me remember my roots and keeps my feet on the ground, despite the progress and success I’ve experienced over the years. Some might question whether being an assistant coach is significant, but teaching and mentoring young people is a noble and fulfilling role.

One insightful reader commented on the challenges of connecting with parents when you’re “just” a coach. They pointed out that while kids may bond with their coaches, parents might not engage in the same way unless you make an effort to be part of their network. This feedback is valuable as it highlights the need for proactive relationship building, which is true for any connection you seek to deepen.

Responding to these comments, I maintain that I am proud of my coaching role. I’m not there for prestige or financial gain but to make a positive impact on these young athletes’ lives. If parents see me at the same tennis club where they play and realize I’m part of their community, they might understand that my intentions are sincere.

Moreover, attending a team party recently, I met many parents from various professional backgrounds. While these connections aren’t immediately beneficial, they could prove valuable in the future. You never know when a simple introduction could lead to opportunities or assistance down the road.

In conclusion, whether you’re interacting with someone online or face-to-face, maintaining humility and treating everyone with respect can lead to unexpected and rewarding experiences. Keep building your network, making friends, and remember, staying humble doesn’t mean selling yourself short—it means recognizing that everyone you meet can teach you something valuable.