Ever wondered if stricter parenting would have made you more successful? Reflecting on my own experiences, I think there’s a lot to learn from the balance my dad struck between discipline and understanding.

One vivid memory I have is from when I was in the fourth grade. I had a meltdown and tore up my dad’s work papers. It was a time when there were no digital backups, so everything had to be retyped. Despite my outburst, my dad didn’t punish me immediately. Instead, he waited until the next morning, sat by my bed, and explained calmly why my actions were wrong. His approach, stern yet compassionate, made me respect and listen to him deeply as I grew up.

My dad taught me many valuable lessons, including the importance of frugality and discovering new interests. He wasn’t the strictest parent, but he instilled in me the value of money from a young age. He drove an old, beat-up Datsun that was a source of embarrassment for me back then. But from that, I learned the importance of living within our means, which later helped me make smart financial choices.

Dining out was another lesson in frugality. We would often go to buffets or use coupons he found to get the best deals. This instilled in me a habit of seeking value in every purchase, a practice I carry to this day, even when the temptation is there to splurge on something like a fancy drink at a restaurant.

Career-wise, my father introduced me to the stock market when I was 18, sparking my interest in finance. This early exposure helped me define my career goals early on, steering me away from typical entry-level financial roles and towards equity trading, a field that I was passionate about.

Although my parents weren’t overly strict, they encouraged me in sports, another area that shaped my discipline and resilience. My dad taught me to play tennis and baseball, coaching me not just on skills but also on mental toughness—advising me to actively go after what I want, a lesson that has permeated all areas of my life.

Looking back, the blend of freedom and guidance my father provided was crucial. He might occasionally lament not being stricter, but his balanced approach allowed me to learn from my mistakes and grow at my own pace. His involvement and advice have been critical in shaping who I am today, and for that, I am incredibly thankful.

In reflection, I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for one with stricter parents. The lessons I learned from the freedom and gentle guidance I was given have helped me navigate life and achieve personal and financial freedom early on.