Every Day Feels Like Christmas: Embracing Life’s Excitement

Waking up at 6 AM every day, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, unable to wait for the day to start! Do you remember how electrifying Christmas Eve felt as a child? That anticipation of Santa’s arrival and the irresistible urge to sneak a peek at your presents? That was me, always curious and hopeful.

During my teenage and early adult years, I lost that spark under the pressures of academia and career aspirations—anything to avoid a repetitive, early morning job that didn’t inspire me. I remember dreading those 8 AM calculus classes so much that I swapped them for golf lessons. Suddenly, I felt that childhood excitement rushing back, learning something I truly enjoyed.

Finding Joy in Everyday Activities

Now, each morning is thrilling. I’m eager to check my emails first thing to see what’s happened overnight, connecting with people across different time zones who share my unconventional sleep schedule. It’s exciting to think that we spend a third of our lives sleeping—there’s so much more we could be experiencing!

Building relationships has been the most rewarding part of my days. There’s nothing quite like the joy of improving someone else’s day, whether it’s by fixing up a rental apartment to see a tenant’s delighted reaction or simply spending quality time with friends and family. This is what brings true happiness, far more than money.

More Time Equals More Success

I’ve set a personal goal to align my waking hours with those on the East Coast, effectively adding three extra hours to my day. That’s 90 additional hours each month to invest in projects or simply enjoy life. Imagine what you could achieve with that extra time!

Many enjoy sleeping in, especially on weekends, but finding a daily activity you love can eliminate the need for an alarm clock altogether. You’ll find yourself waking up naturally, excited to start the day.

Don’t Postpone Joy

Why wait for “someday” to follow your dreams? Life’s uncertainties taught me to seize opportunities as they arise. This mindset shift led me to move to Thailand, an idea my wife and I dreamed about for nearly five years. We took the leap, selling our belongings and relocating, even though financially, it seemed like a gamble.

Life in Thailand: Discovering Inner Peace

Adjusting to a new culture was challenging at first, filled with stress and a sense of disorientation known as culture shock. However, after embracing the local philosophy of “mai bpen rai,” which emphasizes acceptance and living in the present, I found a profound sense of calm. This approach helped me reduce stress and improve my relationships, enriching my life in ways money never could.

Finding Balance Between Money and Happiness

Ultimately, living in Thailand taught me to balance life’s financial demands with the pursuit of happiness. The thrill of waking up excited every day has shown me that the real wealth in life comes from experiences and relationships, not just financial success.

Every day can feel like Christmas if you find joy in what you do. It’s about more than just making money—it’s about being genuinely happy with your life and the people in it. So, keep searching for what brings you that holiday morning excitement, and don’t be afraid to make it a part of your everyday life.