Hello from the Adriatic Sea! I’ve been soaking up some vacation vibes this past week. It’s been a bit tough to disconnect because I love writing and interacting with you all online so much. Even on vacation, I couldn’t resist diving into over 150 comments, publishing three new articles, drafting six more, and even spending $200 on satellite internet just to stay connected!

While enjoying a delicious meal of linguine and grilled octopus with a cold Mythos beer, I found myself contemplating early retirement, like around 40-45 years old. But it’s not just about having enough money—there’s a deeper, philosophical layer to it. Can you really just walk away from a career that has defined your daily life for decades? It seems too simple to be true. Those of us who are diligent with our finances might have a retirement age in mind, supported by detailed spreadsheets, and we might very well reach our financial goals. Yet, many of us actually love our jobs. It’s not as if we can’t enjoy our work during the day and then spend our free time on hobbies, right?

On my blog, Yakezie.com, I recently posed the question, “How Do You Know When To Retire?” It’s more about why retire than how to retire. Feel free to share your thoughts either here or there!