Everyone experiences the Fear of Other People’s Approval (FOPA) to some extent. It’s a societal trap that can make us lose sight of our own desires and needs, pushing us to conform to expectations and standards that aren’t always in our best interest.

To live a fulfilling life, it’s crucial to shed much of this fear. Doing so allows you to embrace challenges and step outside the norm without being hindered by the worry of what others might think. Here are a few reasons why overcoming FOPA is essential:

1) Unlock Your Potential: When you stop worrying about fitting in, you open yourself up to unique opportunities. Imagine someone who gives up a passion for dancing because they’re mocked; that’s a life not fully lived. By ignoring societal judgments, you can pursue interests that truly resonate with you, potentially leading to greater personal fulfillment and success.

2) Build Genuine Confidence: People deeply affected by FOPA often struggle to assert themselves. They may hide within groups to avoid standing out, which can sometimes lead to negative behaviors like mob bullying. True confidence comes from believing in your own worth, independent of others’ opinions, which allows you to forge a unique path.

3) Achieve Happiness: Fear of judgment can be paralyzing. When you cast off the shackles of needing approval, you gain the freedom to act according to your own values and desires, leading to a more content and enriched life.

Conquering FOPA isn’t just about self-improvement—it also affects how you interact with the world. For example, I’ve seen potential entrepreneurs too frightened by the prospect of criticism to pursue innovative ideas, allowing less creative individuals to succeed unchallenged.

One effective strategy to combat FOPA is to adopt a personal mantra that fosters resilience and determination. For instance, mine is: “Never fail due to a lack of effort, as effort requires no skill.” This reminds me to always give my best, regardless of the activity, from sports to business to parenting.

In tennis, I’ve applied this mantra by consistently showing up for games, despite losing many matches. The effort has helped lessen the sting of defeat and taught me resilience. Similarly, I maintain this proactive attitude with my blog, Financial Samurai, pushing myself to write consistently, even when it’s challenging.

Ultimately, dealing with FOPA means recognizing that the only approval you truly need is your own. It involves understanding that constructive feedback from loved ones is valuable, while criticism from others often stems from their own insecurities.

So, reflect on what FOPA is holding you back from. What are you not pursuing due to fear of criticism? Establish your personal mantra, learn from every experience, and start taking steps toward a life free from the crippling need for approval.