When researching activities to try when my son starts pre-school, I stumbled upon an article predicting the hottest jobs of 2040, when he will be 23 and fresh out of college. The landscape of desirable careers has dramatically changed from my graduation in 1999 when fields like tech and management consulting dominated job markets. Today, it seems feeding into people’s online personas is what’s trendy. Given the current graduation season, it feels appropriate to explore these future careers and possibly add a few predictions of my own.

Here’s a fun rundown of some future jobs that might be worth every penny of that expensive education:

1) Virtual Store Manager – Handling customer complaints even after they’ve used up a product.

2) Robot Mediator – Settling disputes among robots about their roles in their hierarchy.

3) Robot Trainer – Updating robots with new software to take over more human jobs.

4) Drone Traffic Controller – Managing the chaos of drones delivering packages and maintaining privacy.

5) Augmented Reality Designer – Creating immersive experiences for those who can only afford to live virtually.

6) Micro Gig Agents – Catering to the whims of young internet celebrities.

These roles highlight the importance of adapting to a future where artificial intelligence plays a significant role. To stay relevant, investing in AI knowledge and skills today could be crucial.

But, let’s be honest—spending over a decade in school for some of these jobs sounds less than thrilling, except maybe for the Augmented Reality Designer. If predictions hold, the seventh hottest job might be a Psychotherapist, needed to help those regretting their educational choices. Following closely, Physical Therapists will also be in demand, dealing with the physical strains of dissatisfaction.

What’s next? The Institute for the Future suggests that many of the top jobs of 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. This indicates the importance of focusing on universal skills like communication, teamwork, empathy, and problem-solving.

In America’s current job market, knowing where to position yourself can lead to early financial freedom. For those tired of the rat race, and considering a career change, negotiating a good severance package can provide a financial cushion and several benefits, making the transition smoother.

As we look to the future, we should consider paths that might not require traditional college education. Skills for many upcoming jobs can be learned online, potentially bypassing the need for expensive degrees. In the end, finding work that is fulfilling and aligns with personal values should take precedence, as working alongside people you respect and admire can make even the most mundane job enjoyable.

Let’s keep our eyes on the horizon and prepare for a future filled with exciting, yet unpredictable career opportunities.