There’s a common misconception that wealth is reserved for doctors, bankers, or lawyers. In truth, the modern world offers abundant opportunities to earn in nontraditional and innovative ways. The first step? Believing it’s possible.

Take the 2002 Oakland longshoremen strike, sparked by concerns over job-threatening technology. What stands out from this event isn’t just the labor dispute, but the surprising earnings of the longshoremen involved. Reports from that time show that longshoremen worked no more than 35 hours a week, yet annual salaries ranged from $100,000 to $120,000, with veterans earning up to $190,000.

Meanwhile, across the Bay, over 400 retired San Francisco city workers were drawing annual pensions exceeding $100,000. Even a retired chief of police was reported to be receiving $229,000 annually in retirement. The substantial sums underscore a broader point: lucrative incomes are not solely the domain of high-profile professions.

This notion extends to other surprising corners of the labor market. For instance, it was reported that a BART janitor earned over $200,000 a year. These examples highlight that high earnings can come from unexpected places and roles.

The key takeaway here isn’t to stir debate over salary fairness but to show that numerous career paths can lead to financial success. The stereotype of high-earning professionals being limited to fields like engineering, banking, or law is outdated.

The 2008 financial crisis further demonstrated the advantages of public sector and unionized jobs, especially during economic downturns. Consider a Senior Vice President at Lehman Brothers whose $3 million in company stock vanished overnight, versus a San Francisco police officer whose steady career earnings and substantial pension provided a secure retirement. This contrast starkly illustrates the potential stability offered by some public sector roles over the volatile fortunes of the private sector.

For example, let’s examine a retired police officer I know. His highest salary was $125,000, and his pension now pays 75% of that amount annually—about $93,750. Assuming he lives to 88, his pension alone will amount to $2,625,000 over his retirement, adjusted for inflation.

This kind of financial security is achievable in various fields and underscores that significant wealth can accumulate from diverse sources. Whether it’s a municipal pension or entrepreneurial ventures like blogging that can unexpectedly turn into a lucrative business, opportunities abound.

For those guiding young ones in their career choices, remember that financial success can follow many paths. The world is full of high-earning potential outside traditional roles. What’s important is finding a path that not only promises financial stability but also aligns with one’s skills and passions.

In closing, if you’re contemplating a boost in income, consider starting an online business. Today, technology allows for low-startup-cost ventures that can be managed from anywhere. This approach not only offers potential financial rewards but also the flexibility to shape your own career trajectory on your terms.

Remember, it’s not just about high earnings but also about making smart financial choices and understanding the broad spectrum of opportunities available, which can lead you to financial freedom and success.